Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Dear Ji-Hoon Letter 3 -(Talking with a girl from Korea)

Hey again, :-)

I just got a friend from MySpace and she is from Korea! YAY! ^-^ I'm really happy because we get to talk about anything and sorry but no we haven't spoken about you at all. I don't think I'll bring you up at all because I don't want my motive to make friends from Korea to be because of you. Even before I knew of you I already wanted to volunteer to go to Korea (I was in the military) . It's always sounded exotic to me...Oh well I've stayed with that desire for the last 8 years and here I am..I'll go one day anyway.

Oh yeah...*Sigh* I won't be able to go to any of your concerts. Why? There are several reasons... The main one is because I won't have the cash available when your tickets come up for sale. I could borrow the money but it will defeat the whole purpose of me trying to get out of debt and you seem to be the type of person that would encourage me to not get into more debt. The other reason is because I don't want to be depressed once the concert is over. While many fans would feel revitalized I know I would be one of those feeling VERY depressed because I know the whole thing is over. I heard accounts of other fans being SUPER depressed after one of your concerts. They seem to only be living for news of you and they even make friends with fans from other countries just to be able to learn anything new! For me that is a bit obsessive and I know I was starting to go that route so I stopped collecting information on you and pics and videos and such. I don't understand how people can fall in love with someone they've never ever met. *~*

I know I'm writing these letters to someone that doesn't even know I exist but it seemed the healthiest and most affordable route for me. So here I am! Hehe ;-)

Ok now that I'm finished with my side trip about you, I'm going back to talking about this girl from Korea. The following is what I wrote her:

"Ha ha ha ha! Thanks a bunch for the compliment. I really think we are our own worst critics. He he :-)

Why did you pick **** as a name? I knew someone from my childhood with that name and it brings me fond memories of that time. :-)

How is your family today? I hope all is well... :-)

It is nice to be talking like this. I think most women don't realize that we need the woman's circle. It's part of our nature to gravitate towards women's groups. Most don't realize that since we (women) are so independent now we have forgotten the important part women's group helped in our emotional needs. Haven't you noticed that most women in our generation don't really keep in contact with other women because we are soo busy with our boyfriends or school or just trying to get a career? If you don't water the seed it will never grow to be a strong oak tree that will give you shade and protect you from the worst of the elements when you need it.

It's OK to not do anything once in a while. Some times it is GREAT to just go to the park and lay down and just be bored. Be comfortable with silence. Be comfortable alone. Please do note I didn't say be lonely just be comfortable being with yourself. We give of ourselves every single day to every one. What do we keep for ourselves? Nothing, so we are sooo tired, drained all the time because we are constantly giving to others. I know that is hard because as women we are raised to give all for others. It may seem a little selfish but you'll see how relaxed you will be once you get the hang of it. Hehe :-)

I'm having a wonderful day. Until my boss finds out that I didn't do something. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!

C'ya laterz"

I copied this messsage to give you an idea of what I think.

Well gotta go!

Eternal Dreams

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