Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dear Ji-Hoon Letter 5 (-Not a Rain fan anymore)


I haven't gotten any news about Rain for a week and this is ok for me. I feel withdrawal symptoms but it is ok...Time will help to distance myself from this practically an obsession that swept over me in an instant and made me ignore the practical and important things in life. Even though I've stopped myself from forming an attachment to Rain, I will still write to you Ji-Hoon. Rain and you are two separate people. While Rain struts his stuff to the masses and is charismatic and suave and debonair, you Ji-Hoon is a person that is shy and some times insecure wants the peace and quiet and just wants to be able to provide for his family and make his mom proud and wants to hang out with his friends and ride his motorbike and or bowl. You like to eat a lot and farts and poops and burps like everyone else.

So this will be my daddy-long-legs type of blog where I won't get an answer from you, Ji-Hoon because the probability of THAT happening are 1 in 9-10 billion. He he.

Anyway the following is a letter of withdrawal from your fan site.


Thanks for the info...I've decided to cancel my membership to I realized that I can't follow Rain through his career anymore (be a fan). He was the first artist in my entire life that I even became a fan and practically became obsessed with him by spending hours searching the internet for any pics and on top of that I realized how fans practically lived for any piece of news about him. If all Clouds and fans could put that much effort into helping and supporting a young man realize his dream imagine what this army of loving and giving fans could do for the whole world.

The fact that he is allying himself with P.Diddy and Li'l Kim is like he is selling his soul and troubles me deeply. Once he enters the US market he will not be the same innocent nice guy that you guys see. He will have to fit in and the American music artists/industry will suck him into their lifestyle if he wants the connections. "Drink a little bit of this ,smoke some weed, to fit in come on everyone is doing it, girls? I got them by the dozen." <----This is the culture that we want him to be in? Why do you think that when he is on his own with his pals he really doesn't want to be associated with Rain? He just want to be Jeung Ji-Hoon he wants to keep something of himself to himself. But many will not differentiate between the two and eventually he will BE Rain.

XXXXX, research where Hip Hop came from and see the roots of a religious movement within Hip Hop. The people that Rain and JYP are trying to associate themselves with practically are all anti-all-religion and even anti-atheism. But the fact that Hip Hop at it's roots is evil in nature should cause people that care for Rain to make him see and run the other way. I know it sounds crazy but if you don't believe me please check the backgrounds/beliefs of Biggie Small, Tupac, Aliyah, Jill Scott, Alicia Keys, Erika Baduh, DMX, and KRS-ONE who professes to be the prophet of Hip Hop. Don't believe me they have a temple in California. This THOUGHT is immersed within the music and can never be separated and I feel saddened for Rain if he gets in too deep with them. He has so much influence and inspires so many he is practically a god to so many people. I'm not saying that he thinks this way. I firmly believe he is who he says he is when he is Jeung Ji-Hoon. Anyway, I can't with a good conscience continue to include myself in this anymore.

Pray for Jeung Ji-Hoon's and all of his fans spiritual and physical safety. Thank you for making me feel so welcomed in the forum, you guys are all lovely people may God bless you all.



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